Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Moving Forward!

Here's to a good quarter! Just some of my projects I have done thus far. Learned so much about the process of design and how to work with new multimedia programs. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tumblr as a Multimedia medium

Tumblr is a microblog where the user of the social media site can build a network, post multimedia and other information that is in the users taste or dealing with their business. Tumblr allows users to follow other users blog, share ideas, multimedia and get ideas from blogs of the same taste. For each post a user creates, they are able to help their audience find posts about certain topics by adding tags, similar to Twitter hashtags. I first got a Tumblr in high school because everyone started to get one and it was seen as this cool new from of social media. I used to love going on Tumblr and looking at all my friends post and what they thought was cool at the time. I thought it was an interesting way to follow your friends online. Tumblr still is a great multimedia medium where people can share their thoughts, interests and other things they like such as music, fashion or videos!

Tumblr is also an option for designers and creative people, because it gives you complete control over the look of your want. Tumblr makes setting up a blog very easy. It also makes it very simple for you to follow other tumbleloggers on the website and to share their content. Tumblr tries to combine the best parts of blogging and micro-blogging in one.

Also, fact that Tumblr has built-in formats for a variety of content types makes it stand out from other blogging and micro-blogging platforms. There are templates for text, photos, videos, audio, quotes, links and chat transcripts. Most themes take advantage of the differences between these post types and implement special formatting for each one. You can also add plain text to most of these post types, and you can add images to your text posts. It’s a quite flexible system.

With all of these aspects, one can easily identify Tumblr as a multimedia medium. Not only is it a instrumental blog site but it also acts as a place where people can communicate thoughts and what they like with each other as well. It has become a new way for people to see what trending around the world in relation to fashion, news, music, and popular videos.


Friday, February 14, 2014

A day with out my lifeline!

Some times this is how I feel...hahahah.  Its crazy to see all the uses for our phones!

I recently tried the Maryland Media Study and lets just say it was harder than I expected. Its true that most college students are not just unwilling, but functionally unable to be without their media links to the world. Its quite difficult when you use networking media for just about anything in your life. I personally do not think I am dependent on my electronics but they definately are necessary in todays world. It seems like nowadays we are all interconnected through are phones or online social networks  so it seems essential that you must be connected at all times.

In participating in this study, I did this on a day where I had no class. As the day when on and there was nothiong to do, I was tempted to use networking media as a way to relieve my boredom by looking at Facebook or Instagram or going online. I figure that what most people do when there bored anyways.

It was also difficult not being able to use my computer. Daily, I do many things online.  I look up news and currenrt event issues, download music or just surf the web looking at things that interest me. Although networking media has its advantages and keeps you interconnected with your circle, I felt free because I did not have any obligations to text people back or snapchat people or what have you. Even though it was a nice feeling, it is very comforting having a phone at your side where people can reach you for whatever reason just in case. Nowadays, if you dont reply to a text or phone call its seen as rude because your "ignoring" those people. A few of my friends though I was ignoring them because I did not text them right back. In todays society, getting in contact with people is so immediate. This is the new way of communication and people expect an immediate response because they expect you to have some type smart phone or networking media available at all times.

At the end of the day, when I finally stopped doing the study I looked at my phone to see 5 missed phone calls and 8 text messages. Some from were family while most of them were my friends. My parents even asked why I was not answering my phone. Its a pretty good feeling to know that people wnat to talk to you hahah. I believe that smart phones and networking media are nesessities, but they should not take over your life or interfere with face to face communication.

In closing, lets try to use our phones a little less so we can actually be present!


Friday, February 7, 2014

Playing with Photoshop!

I have some experience with photoshop so messing with pictures is not anything really new to me. however it can still be challenging to create a picture that stands out with the all the right colors.

Our first class assignment was to go around campus and find a object that resembled a letter from the alphabet. At first it was difficult because I was not thinking outside the box but after REALLY looking i began to see letters in objects that I would have never guess. I ended up taking a few pictures, but none really caught my attention. Thinking about what I wanted to do I realized I had a great picture of store tower I could use that resembles the letter I.

For this first picture all I did was just add more vividness and color using the brightness, Hue/ Satruation, along with the curves effects. This really did alot for the picture, making it more lively.

For my final collage picture this is what I am working on so far.  I am going to try to incorporate a few different pictures of UCSB. In this picture, I have put an aerial view of UCSB in the backgroup with sorke tower on the forefront. I again worked with the curve effect along with the hue/saturatiion effects as well. I like the way in incorporated it into the background but I still think theres more I cabn do to it. I want to make the background clearer so I will have to mess with that.

Although this what I have so far, there is still alot to be dont to finetune these pictures. Photoshop has so many possibilities its hard for anything to be completely done. I am looking forward to seeing how my final drafts turn out!


Friday, January 31, 2014

Making Realizations

Thinking visually has always been hard for me. I have always had a tough time being "creative." Ive always been that kid who think everyone is more creative than me and so far that had been true. I feel like I have gotten better but still I am no where near some of my friends. I do hope to work on this with the projects in our class!

After looking at the McCloud chapters, he argues that comics operate in icons and demand reader participation. Let me explain: he says photos only allow us to see what the photographer views. However, comics break down images to less complex levels, inviting the reader/viewer to better identify with the story. Often times we see what we want, but he argued that its not what we percieve it to be. This was definately true when dealing with our in class assignment when we were told to go around campus to look for objects with letters in them. When we went out to look for our objects, this required many of my classmates to think out of the box and not see a telephone pole as a telephone pole but rather a T. 

Looking at design, it definately takes attention to detail as well as careful planning. Working with UCSB marketing requires me to do these things especially when I am designing advertisments to be put around campus or on our website.  The design process is the hardest part because you want to create something that is aesthetically pleasing as well as entertaining. 

Moving forward, I would like to work on my creativity, especially with our upcoming projects. The reason why I took this class was to help me think outside the box as well as move away from my comfort level while working on different things that I have never experienced.